Zen style, harmony floods your home

Zen decoration is a minimalist decorative style that has its origins in this Eastern philosophy but was introduced in the West in the twentieth century and seeks to fill every corner of your home with peace and harmony.

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The premise of Zen style is to create a sense of balance and order.
For this we will use low furniture with straight lines that mimic the Asian trend of making life close to the ground; a sofa like the Nantes can be perfect, although you can also achieve this feeling by placing poufs o cushions on the floor. In addition, with this we will achieve a great feeling of spaciousness that we will complete by avoiding excessive ornamentation, always using natural materials, being wood or stone the central elements that will help us in the decoration and a light parquet will be the perfect choice for the floor.
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We will leave saturated colors in the background, and we will play with chiaroscuro, flooding our rooms with white and some gray tones or soft colors, sometimes accompanied by touches of red or saffron.
Image via intervivienda.com.ar
Image via intervivienda.com.ar
As for the lighting, we will always try to make it natural, achieved with large windows or a discreet fireplace during the hours of less sun, although if you do not have it, candles and indirect lights can recreate the same sensations.
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To finish finding harmony in our home, we will use incense or candles with soft and natural scents that will accompany the smell of wood and get an even more cozy feeling. As for the garden or terrace, a wooden deck surrounded by stones can be perfect, accompanied by plants and some mats or cushions. roller cushions with a low table to enjoy the good weather. Remember that if you need to request a quote for your custom made mattresses you can write us at fiaka@fiaka.es
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Image via intervivienda.com.ar
Image via intervivienda.com.ar
Bring relaxation to your home with Zen style.
