Wallpaper is back in our lives, and it is back in fashion again after many years. Of course, technology has made it possible to create new types that are easier to glue than those of yesteryear that always ‘bubbled’, and now they can even be easily customized. The fact is that they are back, and from Fiaka we recommend to take them into account when designing a chill out decoration.
Yes, it is true that ‘chill out decoration’ is directly associated with white, free spaces, windows, open air and uniformity, but here we are also here to break the mold, and there are wallpapers that could be very well in a decoration of this type with a Duna pale lounger (for example). Let’s take a look at some of the examples we come across.

The next one is a bit more beastly, only recommended in very large or very free spaces and with high ceilings.

At first we had ruled out the Toile de Jouy, but when we saw this cushion, it crossed our minds…. What if we made poufs in Toile de Jouy, before you get your hands on your heads, it’s just an idea! If someone dares, ask us to order it…. 😉

And finally, a classic from the 70s, the golden age of wallpaper… We would love to see our poufs there….