Valentine’s Day Decoration

Valentine’s Day, Valentine’s Day and Friendship Day are coming. A special date to show our love, without forgetting that every day is a good day to tell those we love -whether family, friends or partner- that we love them, and not only with words (we all need to hear an I love you), but with small gestures (in short, those that make our day to day life great).

If this year you have decided to surprise your partner for Valentine’s Day, these brief decorating tips can help you create that movie atmosphere so that this February 14 becomes an unforgettable day for both of you.

Create an intimate atmosphere

The soft lighting of candles is perfect to create an intimate and romantic atmosphere that invites you to relax and enjoy the moment in company. To generate the same effect, you can use ambient LED lights, lamps that diffuse the light and allow you to graduate its intensity or lanterns in the bedroom, dining room, bathroom and stairs. If you want to design original DIY candle holders for this day you can find some ideas here here some ideas.

romantic decoration
Via Mil Ideas

Flowers, symbol of love and passion, can also help to create a romantic atmosphere. Some people leave them on the bed, on the bedside tables and even on the floor to draw a trail to indicate the itinerary of the appointment (in this case, petals are usually used).

2. A romantic movie bath

An infallible formula to leave your partner speechless on Valentine’s Day is to surprise them with a romantic, relaxing and sparkling bath for two. To prepare it, you will need bath salts and flower petals (if they are roses, the better). Some candles will help you create that intimate movie atmosphere we talked about previously.

decoration for Valentine's Day
Via Decoration2
decoration for Valentine's Day
Via Emtalks

decoration for Valentine's Day
Most of us do not have a large Jacuzzi with panoramic views. Hopefully a large bathtub, and sometimes not even that. However, it is a matter of imagination. As the popular saying goes, ‘if life gives you lemons, make lemonade’. Well, if your bathtub is tiny or you only have a shower, don’t worry. You can place the candles to create ambiance on the bathroom floor and on top of the available furniture. A small side table (previously prepared and decorated for the occasion) near the bathtub or shower can be used to place a bottle of wine (champagne, cava, to taste…) with two glasses to toast the moment.

We can accompany the toast with a matching dessert, such as strawberries and cream, or with an aphrodisiac touch -with chocolate or cinnamon, for example- so that this shared bath will whet the appetite… for dinner.

3. Candlelight dinner

The passion for detail must prevail in the Valentine’s Day dinner, which does not imply overdoing or overloading. The beauty of simplicity, as we have already commented on occasion, always surprises. It bets for few details and care. Red, the quintessential symbol of passion, is often used as the leitmotiv of the table, although there are those who opt for other colors, mainly pink. To play with the contrast with the colors of napkins, plates and candles we recommend using a white tablecloth on which we can place a table runner in another tone, for example black.

decoration for Valentine's Day
Via 1001 Tips
decoration for Valentine's Day
Via Vintage Decoracion
decoration for Valentine's Day
Via Style and Deco

It goes without saying, but if there is one thing that should not be missing in a romantic Valentine’s Day dinner, it’s candles. You can place them in a beautiful centerpiece floating, alone, with petals … the options are many.

decoration for Valentine's Day
Via Chocoas

4. Let’s move on to desserts

For dessert in a dream place, we recommend you to take advantage of the chill out corner of your home the chill out corner of your home (especially if it has a
pouff for two
with cushions and cushions where you can settle down) or the near the fireplace, if you have oneIf you have one, you can decorate it beforehand to create that intimate atmosphere we were talking about at the beginning. These are romantic places par excellence, making them ideal to continue the night of Valentine’s Day.

decoration for Valentine's Day
Via West Star Chimneys
decoration for Valentine's Day
Puff Fiaka XL.

We added one last ingredient to put the icing on the cake: messages of love. We don’t mean ‘pre-cooked’ quotes or catch phrases, but notes in which we express our feelings for that person. On Valentine’s Day, it is a good idea to leave notes at each stop of this ‘romantic tour’ highlighting the qualities that make us fall in love with each other. Sometimes, the fear of being too ‘mushy’ or falling into clichés makes us unromantic. And, more than we should, we take it for granted that our partner knows how it makes us feel, but this is not always the case. Why not tell her that her smile in the morning brightens our day? Why not surprise him/her with a nice demonstration of love this [y cualquier] day?