Terraces and gardens, enjoy the good weather

Spring is almost here, the sun is shining a little more every day and we can finally make full use of our terraces and gardens. Throughout our career many of you have trusted us for their decoration, and there is something that we love, that you send us photos of the final result. chill out terrace Today we are going to present you the photos of some terraces that have arrived to our offices decorated with our furniture: In the first one, we found a set of Nantesaccompanied by an upholstered cubic table.
A perfect chill out corner in the middle of the city to rest from the daily routine. terrace nantes Now we move to another terrace, this time with a totally different design, but that fulfills the same function.
This time we find a pallet table accompanied by two poufs. Santorini as well as a mattress and backrest on a pallet. IMG_6364 The next one was a very special project for us, a set of modular sofa completely custom-made for the client, which we baptized as the Cíes set.
As we can see in the photo, the design could not fit better in this dream garden. cies Finally, we leave you with a porch in which the main piece is our Menorca plusaccompanied by some curly cushions and chocolate-colored sofa blankets fits perfectly in this rustic environment. Undoubtedly a perfect environment for meetings with friends or family meals. porch Finally, we would love to keep receiving your photos, so do not hesitate to show us how you have decided to use our furniture.
