Inspiring workspaces

“Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working,” Picasso advocated. We could not agree more with these words. Effort is essential to conjure the muses, who rarely appear without looking for them. Hence, workspaces – the place par excellence where inspiration usually knocks at the door – have an influence on whether or not they awaken our creativity, originality and imagination. Depending on its decoration it can vary our mood, motivating us or leaving us cold. Hence the importance of taking care of the design of the office, regardless of whether it is at home or away. To help you with this task we show you some images accompanied by five brief decotips that will help you create a stimulating atmosphere in your office.

workspace decoration
Via Betty Red Design

1. Seek balance

When it comes to decorating a workspace, it is necessary to find a balance between functionality and beauty. The office should be above all comfortable and practical, without falling into a sober and uninspiring atmosphere, or the opposite extreme: an overloaded environment where even the ideas are heavy. Neither an abuse of distracting ornaments nor a lack of visual stimuli. Although a priori it seems difficult, it is a matter of common sense. Having enough storage space to maintain order is important in this regard. We also recommend finding a balance through details and furniture that you feel comfortable with and that, in some way, identify you. That brings us to the next point.

workspace decoration
Via Csahaus

2. Let the decoration speak about your company

Impersonal workspaces are often frustrating and unwelcoming. When designing the office, it is essential that it speaks of the company and conveys its brand image, its essence. The customized furniture with the logo or with some of the corporate colors always help the space to tell who we are and what we do. The details we choose can also be oriented along these lines. In short, it is a matter of imprinting character on the office. This premise is equally valid if you work from home. The office needs to be a space with an identity within the home so that it does not appear to be on borrowed time.

workspace decoration
Via Decosee
workspace decoration
Puff Marina by Fiaka Ambient customized for Google.

3. A space for relaxation

Including a space dedicated to rest in the office is becoming more and more common. An area with sofas or armchairs around a side table or several giant poufs where you can comfortably lie down to unwind in times of stress is a great way to recharge your batteries. Textiles such as cushions and a rug will help multiply the feeling of comfort in this space dedicated to relaxation.

workspace decoration
Via Casa Haus
workspace decoration
Via Home Designing

Some multinationals even opt for the creation of a play area attached to their offices to allow them to de-stress. On the other hand, a space – however small it may be – designed for the ‘snack’ never hurts.

4. Walls with a lot to say

Graphic motifs, vinyls, pictures, motivational phrases, etc. help to underline the company’s identity and, at the same time, create an inspiring atmosphere.

workspace decoration
Via Little bits of lovely
workspace decoration
Via Kpunchay
workspace decoration
Desire to Inspire
Decoration of work spaces
Via Home Decorating Trends
workspace decoration
Via The weird tales off rank stone

5. Plants

Plants and flowers manage to give that cheerful touch that every workspace needs, making it a place full of life and ready to welcome the muses.

workspace decoration
Via Betty red design
workspace decoration
Via Smitten studio online