Ideas for decorating bars and cafeterias

At Fiaka we love decoration. For this reason, today we want to show you some ideas for decorating bars and cafes. Coffee shops and bars are to autumn/winter what terraces are to spring/summer. As temperatures drop, we tend to take shelter inside one of them, either to have a drink with friends, to work or to disconnect after work. The truth is that we are attracted by the coziness of some places and, to a great extent, it is mainly due to their decoration. Are you looking for ideas and tips that can be useful for the decoration of your premises? Read on, we are sure you will get some interesting ideas.

Tips for decorating your bar or cafeteria

The first impression is very important: the entrance


The entrance is the first thing your customers will encounter, and as you know, first impressions are very important. With the entry you will have to get the customer’s attention. If it catches the customer’s attention, they will want to find out more. If, on the other hand, the entrance to the bar or cafeteria does not attract his attention, we are not going to get him to enter the establishment.

It is important that the entrance is an orderly, clean area without many elements that distort the image you want to convey. In some premises you have the possibility of having a small terrace outside your premises. These terraces are an attraction for customers in the spring and summer seasons for customers who are looking for an outdoor place to sit and have a drink. If you are lucky enough to have a terrace, we congratulate you. That’s first and foremost. And you have already won a lot. Of course, if you have one, don’t forget to decorate it as it deserves. You will have to delimit the area with fences or hedges to differentiate it and delimit the space in a creative and elegant way to attract the attention of customers. It is very important that you maintain the same corporate aesthetics both inside and outside the bar or coffee shop. He thinks that some stores fail because of the image and the atmosphere they transmit to the customer. Nowadays there is a lot of competition, and if the customer is not comfortable in your store, he will have no qualms about looking for another one.

Create welcoming spaces for your customers


Easy to say, but more complicated to achieve. The truth is that cozy environments are those that tend to have a very loyal clientele. How do we make them feel good? By creating welcoming spaces. It has been proven that for customers to feel comfortable it is essential that everyone can find chairs or tables in the store that suit what they are looking for at that moment.

Imagine that a couple comes to your coffee shop for coffee. It is quite possible that they are looking for a place to relax and spend some time talking. In this particular case, the
are a must.


Here is another example. A group of people who have just left work walk into your bar. These customers may be looking to disconnect from work and are looking for an area with stools and high tables where they can enjoy a quick beer before heading home for dinner. For this reason it is essential to think about giving each type of customer what they are looking for. This is the only way to make them feel comfortable.

The importance of hearing and smell


The human body has five senses and, as a business, you have to know how to use them to attract your clientele. You may have noticed that some places you go to always have the same smell or similar music. This is part of the style you want to give to the bar or cafeteria. Studies show that scent marketing is not a hoax, and that it really does bring customers back to your business. Not to mention music, another important aspect to take care of in your business. Generally, your customer comes to your bar or café looking for an experience. If your clients come to relax, you will need a pleasant and calm music to enhance that feeling of relaxation. If, on the other hand, you have a nightclub such as a bar or pub, your customers will come looking for a good time with livelier music and higher volume.

These are some ideas for decorating bars and cafes that we give you from Fiaka. As specialists in
furniture for the hospitality industry
we know that it is not an easy task to choose the furniture for your business. For this reason, if you need advice we put our team of decorators and interior designers at your disposal to help you throughout the process. Do not hesitate. If you have any questions, Fiaka is available to assist you.