Custom-made mattresses and cushions

The beauty of simplicity can be surprising. Rarely go unnoticed environments with the right pieces and details to convey that warmth and comfort capable of inspiring. To achieve this welcoming aesthetic, in most cases, the design is personalized to create spaces with character in which the superfluous is discarded so that less is more. There are numerous possibilities to achieve this. This time we talk about a frequent combination in the chill out decoration chill out decoration and more and more visible in other styles: custom-made custom-made cushions with cushions.

custom-made mats
Via Interior Design Architecture

This pair is used in numerous aesthetics, as it allows the space to have its own identity by customizing it with seats of different shapes and colors, while adding extra comfort. Whether on a masonry or wooden bench, a window sill or a recycled or DIY sofa, custom-made mats give a different and much cozier look. This is the reason for its use, usually complemented with cushions, to create environments where simplicity translates into beauty. We list some of the spaces where you can use this combination:

Pallet mats

The rise of recycling in decoration has led to the appearance of charming DIY sofa models based on reused materials. The
pallet sofas
are among the most popular, since their assembly is not difficult and the results speak for themselves: beauty and comfort come together in this piece. For its manufacture, however, we recommend the use of
custom-made mattresses for pallets
We do recommend the use of custom-made mattresses for pallets, with sufficient thickness so that the slats are not uncomfortable to sit on.

pallet sofas fiaka ambient
Pallet sofas Fiaka Ambient.
custom-made mats
Via Studiokarin

At Fiaka Ambient we not only manufacture custom-made mats, but we also customize them with the logo of the venue and/or your corporate colors to fit your dreamed interior or exterior.

In case you plan to place the pallet sofa on the terrace or in the garden, it is also advisable to opt for outdoor cushions and mats, easy to clean, resistant to moisture and sun, also available in our catalog.

Pallet mat
People’s Blogs

Mats for masonry and wood seats

Wooden and masonry benches are common in outdoor decoration. Summer terraces, patios and gardens opt for this formula for comfortable seating. Wooden benches are more common in interior decoration, mainly in the living room and in the kitchen office, but also in the office, where they provide extra seating for visitors. However, exposed concrete seats are also used.

custom-made mats
Via Look 4 Deco
custom-made mats
Via Chic and Deco

Window mats

Reading nooks in the window not only allow you to take advantage of this space, but are also very inspiring. This is why we usually resort to what we could call an interior sill to create a comfortable bench where you can enjoy a good book in company.

custom-made mats
Via Achados de Decoração
custom-made mats
Via Swiss Aprikose

Outdoor mats

Outdoor mats are often used as comfortable loungers or seating on balconies, terraces and swimming pools.

custom-made mats
Via Catering Cinco
custom-made mats
Via Kefren Mobiliario