Starting a business is not an easy task. There are many aspects that must be taken into account before opening its doors to the public. Restaurants, unfortunately, are no exception, since before starting the activity it is necessary to think patiently and carefully about a series of elements that cannot be missing in your business. One of the headaches for every restaurateur is to choose chairs for restaurants. If you are not an expert in the choice of furniture, it is essential to be advised by experts to avoid making mistakes that may lead you to have to buy furniture again after a while. A bad calculation can lead our restaurant to bankruptcy, so if you want to know what are the 7 typical mistakes when choosing chairs for restaurants, stay and find out below.
Mistakes when choosing restaurant chairs
Do not calculate costs
Before making any investment in your new business, it is essential to carry out a cost investigation. Buy restaurant furniture without having made a previous budget does not usually give good results. The idea is not to buy the cheapest thing we can find, nor to spend more money than we have, but to find a balance between the two. For this reason, it is necessary to establish a budget and make a prior investigation of the total cost of purchasing all the necessary furniture for the restaurant.
Wanting everything fast
Patience is a virtue, but very few make use of it. If we want the whole plan to go smoothly, it is advisable to have a step-by-step plan and follow it to the letter so that the restaurant can function optimally.
The choice of all the chairs for
restaurant chairs should be
should be made wisely. It is necessary to be patient, compare prices, identify if what we want is suitable or not for our type of establishment. Each factor requires time that you will be grateful for in the long run.
Acquiring low quality chairs
In many cases, the low prices of chairs are due to the materials from which they are made. That said, it doesn’t mean you have to buy the higher priced ones just because they are made of better quality materials. The ideal is to seek a balance. If you decide to buy cheap chairs, it is possible that in a short time you will have to get rid of them due to wear and tear and buy chairs with a higher quality. For this reason, our recommendation is to buy something in between.
Only in this way will you be saving money and investing it in something that can be truly useful for a long time.
Define a style
Be sure that many customers choose your place as their favorite place because of the atmosphere it reflects and transmits. For this reason it is very important that you choose a good color palette, and models of chairs that match the establishment. If you have doubts when choosing them, it is best to choose restaurant chairs in a single color or style, or at most two colors, in case you choose to give a little color to your restaurant.
By simplifying the branch of colors in the chairs, tables and decorations, we are creating harmony with color, an aspect that will be reflected in the customer’s psychology.
Do not imitate exactly the style of the competition
If for some reason you have found out that your competitor has a higher margin of sales or visits, the worst strategy you can do is to copy them. What your competitor has done to outdo the others may be to introduce a new idea or concept that the public likes. He has accepted it and it has paid off. Being the pioneers in this technique, they are the ones who will get the glory. For this reason, it is better that you try to create a new restaurant concept to increase your visits little by little.
Don’t be impulsive
While it is very easy to fall in love with a chair style in a catalog and pick the first one you like, this can be one of the biggest mistakes you can make. As a recommendation, we invite you to visit several establishments to purchase chairs for your restaurant, in addition to reviewing different catalogs to choose the ones that best suit your needs. If none of them does, the ideal is to opt for
custom-made furniture
. Only in that case, you will have the type of chairs that best suits your business. At Fiaka we are experts in the manufacture of custom furniture. Our staff can advise you with any type of doubt and adjust to your budget when it comes to carrying out a customized project for your restaurant.
Chairs of the ideal size
As if that were not enough, before choosing chairs for your restaurant, it is necessary to measure the space available in the premises. Be sure to measure the space where they will be placed in order to distribute them in the most efficient way. For this reason, the most recommendable option is to choose
custom-made furniture
that fit perfectly with the space available in your premises. A very common mistake is not paying attention to the space available in the restaurant and rushing to buy chairs based on specific characteristics and without taking into account their size.
Now that you know the different mistakes you can make when choosing chairs for your restaurant you will need to avoid them at all costs. This is the only way to make your business prosper, reducing possible future expenses.