One of the few bad things about traveling back and forth is being able to savor and enjoy the decor of many of the hotels we visit. The good thing about this experience is that we can copy almost all kinds of ideas and implement them in our homes. Decoration lovers are willing to invest some of our hard-earned money to make our home as comfortable as possible. For this reason, in today’s article we want to talk about decorating tips to copy from a hotel to take them to our home. Let’s get started!
There are many of us who love to spend time at home. We spend a lot of time away from it because of work, but when we can enjoy it, we like to do it in the best possible way. And if we enjoy it with family and friends, so much the better. The decoration helps (and a lot) to achieve that feeling of comfort at home.
With this article we intend to compile a series of decorating tips to copy from a hotel. It is about collecting decorating ideas used in the best hotels in the world to transport them to your home. No matter what your budget is, you can adapt any idea to your pocket. Let’s go with them!
Decoration tips to copy from a hotel
Always use good quality furniture and materials
When decorating, it is essential to always choose the best quality furniture you can afford. It is preferable to have a smaller quantity of quality furniture than to have a larger quantity with a lower quality. The furniture you should never skimp on are the chairs, chairs and
beds, closets or sofas.
Choose a neutral color for walls and furniture.
When choosing a color palette, choose neutral options that convey tranquility and serenity.
The color scheme you choose should scream class and sophistication. Opt for shades such as soft beige, light gray, pale blues or white. You can always add a touch of glamour to your décor by incorporating a dash of metallic or saturated tones such as silver, bronze or gold, which will add that touch of luxury.
Simplicity first and foremost
Always choose plain, timeless furniture rather than pieces with bombastic and intricate designs. If you look at the
furniture for hotels
usually complies with this characteristic in most cases to prevent its design from going out of fashion from one year to the next.
You can use pieces with clean, sophisticated lines to create a neutral base, which you can spruce up using smaller pieces that can be easily interchanged as fashions and trends change.
Focus on rest areas
Be sure to cover these areas with materials that invite rest, and include furniture items that make the experience as comfortable as possible.
You can choose to place a
2-seater vintage sofa
or the
Vintage 1-seater armchair
in the bedroom to read, or create a whole area in the living room dedicated to reading, where you can put your feet up and relax.
Includes good lighting
Be sure to include ideal lighting for each room, where you can adjust it to make it dimmer or brighter depending on the mood you are in.
Climate control is a necessity
Be sure to include a good air conditioning and heating system to keep you comfortable at home at all times. Fireplaces, whether gas, wood or pellet, will take the comfort of your home to the next level.
With respect to air conditioning, you can install separate air conditioners in each room or opt for a system of ventilation ducts that will bring fresh air to all the rooms in your house.
Play with smells
You can transform any space by diffusing it with attractive scents. To do so, it includes scented candles, humidifiers, flowers, etc. Good smells at home make you feel much more at ease and will make you feel much more comfortable while you are at home.
Avoid clutter
Choose your decor wisely and be sure to include enough storage in your home to hold all of your day-to-day items. If you do not have storage, try not to overload the areas too much. If you have children they will end up moving things around, so having fewer decorative items on tables or shelves will allow you to have a much tidier home.
Bring nature into your space
Include some greenery in your home whenever you can, or if you have budget constraints, choose attractive, easy-to-maintain houseplants such as orchids or lilies. These will give a touch of color to the different spaces available in your home.
Recreation is the key
Be sure to also expand the spaces in your home that you will be using as recreational spaces to get the most out of those areas of your home. If you are movie lovers, you can choose to create a cinematic atmosphere in your living room, including dimmable lighting and a good 5.1 sound system to create a memorable home theater experience.