A picture is worth a thousand words. At least, that’s what the saying goes. Although in our case the unquestionable power and magic of letters (if only the clock would not only stop metaphorically, but also literally every time we pick up a book to have more hours to read!), the truth is that we barely have time to devote to our concerns while we juggle work, family and home in an increasingly demanding society. In order to make things easier for you and to inform you without having to spend more than a couple of minutes, we have started a new adventure on the web: theFiaka Ambient YouTube channel!
Our intention is none other than to solve in a snap, through short illustrative videos, the most frequent doubts that you usually ask us about decoration. And, of course, about chill out & lounge styles (as you know, our favorites), personalized decoration (our specialty) and poufs.
How to make a sofa out of pallets using homemade means? How to fill a puff? How to store outdoor furniture in winter? are some of the questions we address in these practical video tips and tutorials that we put together with the technical help of 3 y Acción (@3yaccion on Twitter).
Since a few weeks ago you can consult this ‘audiovisual library’ -with simple explanations and their respective demonstrations- that we will be completing little by little. For now, you can enjoy this first installment with which we answer some of your most common questions. So lights, camera and action!