We are back with a new installment of ‘Decorando internet’, our section of personal interviews to learn more about the interior designers, decobloggers, architects, etc.. that daily inspire us on the network with their ideas about decoration and design.
This month we share a pleasant virtual meeting with Yolanda Blanco Dono, author of Olaimar Decor (@Olaimar1 on twitter) and head of the eponymous decoration store. Lover of the small details that fill life with meaning -those that cost nothing like a smile- this blogger who loves to create has managed to transfer her taste for eclecticism to her charming online store, characterized by the mix of styles and personal attention.

-Your sons Olai and Aimar give name to your decoration blog, what motivated you to start writing this blog?
-I have loved decorating for many years. It is my hobby. Reading other blogs on the same topic I thought I could share my ideas with spaces that describe my style and learn from people who contribute and share their vision and tastes. The fact that it is called Olaimar is because I started at a time when I was thinking of resuming my working life and the biggest of my concerns was, and is, to be able to reconcile the care of my children with my work.
-You decided to start the adventure of creating your own online decoration store. How do you remember the beginnings?
-Like all good entrepreneurs, I remember them full of enthusiasm and with a million ideas to carry out. Gradually, some of them are being implemented. There are still many to materialize and this is one of my favorite parts of my job. The possibility of creating something new every day. I also remember moments of uncertainty because I am no stranger to the situation we are currently experiencing, but I believe that with determination, almost anything can be done. And I’m working on it.
-To what extent does the crisis affect the world of decoration?
I have to admit that to a large extent. Keep in mind that decorating a house or buying this or that accessory is not a basic necessity. It does improve our lives, but it is not elementary. However, I believe that a great effort is being made to contain prices and offer better service to our customers. In terms of decorating trends, I think it’s influencing color. You can tell we need positivity in our lives and decorating helps, and a lot, to lift our spirits.
-What is the hallmark of Olaimar as a decoration store?
-The mix of styles, manufactured furniture with restored pieces and the art section with original works, which I would like to grow little by little. A store where you can find special pieces and accessories that create homes with personality. I think it defines very well what phase I’m in. I love lived-in spaces that mix styles and new and old pieces. On the other hand, the fact that, despite being an online store, I attach great importance to maintaining a close relationship with the customer. I have always liked direct contact with people and when a person contacts Olaimar they are talking via email or telephone with Yolanda.
-You comment in your profile that you love to surround yourself with the precious things that make you happy. To what extent is it also important in interior design to surround oneself with details that enhance the cozy feeling of the space?
-I think it’s basic. And we are not necessarily talking about purchased or high-priced items. For example, a bouquet of wildflowers brought to you by your son placed in a small glass with a little grace, make me happy. I believe that the difference is in the details and, no matter how small they are, they are still important.
In interior design I think it is interesting to create cozy spaces with touches of color and pieces of natural materials that provide warmth.
-What is your favorite space in the home and why?
-The kitchen, no doubt. It reminds me of my grandmother and my mother. I love spending time with my kids cooking and baking, there is always something to do. Besides, it’s usually warm and I love the heat. As a decorative dream I have in mind a large rustic wooden table with modern chairs or Tolix wrought iron to create a large dining room in the kitchen.
-What does the world of decoration bring to your life?
-Many things and all of them positive. As I mentioned before, it allows me to create every day, through spaces, designing compositions for the store, changing the window display, helping customers find that special piece for their home. A very special relationship of complicity is created, especially when they send me a photo of the space so that I can get a better idea of the style they have. It has also allowed me to meet a lot of great people from whom I learn a lot.
-What decorative style do you identify with?
-No doubt eclectic. I love to mix pieces and styles of different origins, old and new… The complicated thing is to achieve an aesthetic with beauty and harmony.
-What new challenges do you have on the horizon?
-So many that I am learning to prioritize. First, to continue to improve the online store and attract more happy customers. I am also working on a project for children that will soon see the light of day. And, above all, to continue to enjoy the fact that I can work while enjoying my hobby and, at the same time, not having to give up raising my children.
-As you know we love chill out decoration, what would you highlight of this style? your favorite place to enjoy a chill out space is…?
-The good vibes it transmits, without a doubt. I always relate it to Ibiza. I have never been, but I have it idealized. A beautiful white lime house with a wonderful terrace with white benches and cotton cushions in pastel and earth tones, under the shade of a bougainvillea, would be my ideal chill out space. Another dream to be realized.